Argentina allows citizens of more than 80 countries to enter without a visa for stays of up to 90 days. For a list of those countries, click here. Citizens of the United States are included in the visa exemption policy and may enter Argentina for tourism or business purposes.
Entry into Argentina using the visa exemption for United States citizens requires the following:
- A valid passport that with validity for the duration of your stay.
- One blank passport visa page.
Visitors are required to complete a customs declaration form when entering Argentina, which will request personal information including your name and passport number. I was directed to an immigration lane reserved for people with disabilities and was processed after only a few minutes waiting.
Travel Safety & Advisories
For the most up to date and detailed information on the safety of travel to Argentina, read the country report authored and released by the United States Department of State at www.travel.state.gov.
Resources in an Emergency
If you encounter a medical emergency or are a victim of a crime in Buenos Aires, contact the local authorities immediately. Although 9-1-1 is the emergency number in the United States, that is not true in the majority of other countries. Read this FAQ article I wrote to locate the appropriate emergency contact numbers: What Number Do I Call To Reach Police, Fire or Ambulance Services In Other Countries?
The U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires can also be a resource to American Citizens. It is located at:
Av. Colombia 4300
(C1425GMN) Buenos Aires
Contact information is listed below:
Phone: +(54)(11) 5777-4533
Phone (24-hours/Emergency): +(54)(11) 5777-4354
E-mail: BuenosAiresACS@state.gov
Website: https://ar.usembassy.gov/embassy/buenos-aires/
The nearest wheelchair accessible Underground station is Ministro Carranza approximately 1.5 km away, which is served by Line D. City bus service is also available nearby, on Avenida Libertador.