Your perspective matters.
I can’t do it alone, and need your help documenting the ever-changing landscape of accessible travel. Sharing your unique perspective on traveling with a disability will help build a community that opens the world to everyone.

If you, a friend or family member have traveled somewhere with a disability, I want to hear about it! Some great ideas for articles include reviews of attractions/sights, hotels, air travel, cruise ships/tours, public transportation, taxis, state/national parks, sports stadiums and music/concert venues. I am also happy to accept articles that address more general travel, disability and civil rights topics.
With your contribution and perspective, we’ll be one step closer to making this website a resource for people of all abilities. I would be honored if you would add your voice to the discussion.
Ready… Set… Go!
Don’t be shy! If you have an idea for a blog post, please send me an email at with a copy of your draft article! Here are a few simple guidelines to help you get started:
• Let us know who you are – introduce yourself.
• Plan to write between 350 and 800 words.
• There is no such thing as too many pictures!
• Write freely and naturally – no one is judging you.
• I’ll help with editing to make it the best article possible.
Please note that I only accept guest posts from those who have experienced traveling with a disability.
Thank you for taking the time to share your story – tens of thousands of wheelchair users will be grateful (myself included)!