Frequently Asked Questions About Accessible Travel

The following guides provide the core information you need to confidently travel with a wheelchair. Take an in-depth…
Bridge seen through wire fence.

The following guides provide the core information you need to confidently travel with a wheelchair. Take an in-depth look at the accessibility of airplanes and trains, and learn what to expect when booking hotel rooms and traveling to another country.

Wheelchair Users' Guide to Air Travel

Wheelchair Users’ Guide to Accessible Air Travel

Everything you need to know about air travel with a wheelchair, from booking to baggage claim.

Wheelchair Users' Guide to Accessible Hotels

Wheelchair Users’ Guide to Accessible Hotels

Learn about the ADA requirements for hotel room accessibility and be better prepared to find a hotel that meets your needs.

Wheelchair Users' Guide to Traveling Abroad

Wheelchair Users’ Guide to Traveling Abroad

12 articles filled with information and tips to make you an international travel pro.

Wheelchair Users' Guide to Train Travel

Wheelchair Users’ Guide to Train Travel

Detailed information about train travel with a disability in the United States and around the world.

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