Luxembourg Sidewalk Accessibility

Luxembourg sidewalks are where old meets new. By old, we mean medieval.
Wheelchair accessibility of sidewalks in Luxembourg City.

Luxembourg is known for its medieval historic quarter, but the city is modernizing at a rapid pace. The Grund district shows its age, with many cobblestone streets lacking sidewalks entirely. But large portions of the UNESCO-protected Ville Haute city center have been made accessible, with cement sidewalks, curb ramps and the like. The European Quarter in Kirchberg is more developed yet, with smooth sidewalks, high-visibility crosswalks and pedestrian signals.

The Grund valley and historic quarter present the most accessibility challenges for wheelchair users. Cobblestone streets, broken sidewalks, uneven pavements and elevate changes are common. The squares at the city center, Place Guillaume II and Place d’Armes are easy to manage, despite well-worn sidewalks.

In certain areas, sidewalks may be broken or cracked. This doesn’t usually make a sidewalk unusable, but it’s important to watch out for potholes.

Crossing signals are installed at high traffic intersections, but many low-traffic side streets are not signal controlled. Always watch for oncoming traffic before crossing the street.

The city’s newer districts, like Kirchberg, offer fantastic sidewalk accessibility, with well-defined crosswalks, traffic signals, bicycle lanes and smooth sidewalk pavements.

Sidewalks in high-traffic pedestrian areas are generally more accessible than what you’ll find in primarily residential areas. Since this is a travel guide written for tourists, I have not made an effort to review the city’s residential districts in creating this guide.

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