Riga, Latvia Wheelchair Accessible Travel Guide

Located at the mouth of the Daugava River and Baltic Sea, Riga features a pedestrian-only historic city center.
City skyline of Riga, Latvia on a sunny day.

Introduction to Wheelchair Accessible Riga

Riga is the capital city of Latvia, located on the Gulf of Riga at the point where the Daugava River meets the Baltic Sea. The city’s historic center, dating back to the 13th century, has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In the interest of preservation, large portions of the old town is now closed to vehicle traffic.

The city’s age presents some challenges to wheelchair users, who must contend with cobblestones in the historic center, but a wheelchair accessible trip to Riga, Latvia is possible. Outside of the historic center, sidewalks are easier to navigate with smooth surfaces and curb ramps. I toured the city using a power wheelchair and relied on the partially accessible public transportation system to get around. Although some of the city’s historic buildings and attractions are inaccessible due to stairs, there is still a great deal to see that is accessible. Using this guide to the wheelchair accessibility of Riga, Latvia, you’ll be able to plan and prepare for a trip to one of the most beautiful cities in Europe’s Baltic region.

Riga Travel Guide Contents

Riga Airport Wheelchair Assistance - Wheelchair Travel
Fly to Riga, Latvia with a wheelchair and request special assistance for people with disabilities at the accessible & modern RIX Airport.
14 Wheelchair Accessible Things to Do in Riga, Latvia - Wheelchair Travel
Wheelchair accessible tourist attractions in Riga, including the Freedom Monument, Central Market, Riga Castle, Latvian Opera & more.
Wheelchair Accessible Hotels in Riga, Latvia - Wheelchair Travel
Detailed information about wheelchair accessible hotels in Riga, Latvia, with adapted bathtubs and showers, accessible toilets and grab bars.
Wheelchair Accessible Public Transport in Riga, Latvia - Wheelchair Travel
Guide to wheelchair accessible public transportation in Riga, Latvia with information on city bus, trolleybus and tram accessibility.
Wheelchair Accessibility of Sidewalks in Riga - Wheelchair Travel
Learn about the wheelchair accessibility of sidewalks in Riga - analysis of curb height, pavements, curb ramps, crossing signals & more.
Latvia Travel Visa Requirements & Safety - Wheelchair Travel
Latvia Visa Requirements: Travel requirements, emergency resources and safety information for wheelchair users traveling to Riga, Latvia.

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