Brazil allows citizens of more than 100 countries to enter without a visa for stays of up to 90 days. For a list of those countries, click here. Citizens of the United States are included in the visa exemption policy as of June 2019 and may enter Brazil for tourism or business purposes.
Entry into Brazil using the visa exemption for United States citizens requires the following:
- A passport that is valid on the date of entry.
- One blank passport visa page.
Upon arrival in Rio de Janeiro, I was directed to an immigration lane reserved for people with disabilities and was processed very quickly.
Travel Safety & Advisories
For the most up to date and detailed information on the safety of travel to Brazil, read the country report authored and released by the United States Department of State at www.travel.state.gov.
Resources in an Emergency
If you encounter a medical emergency or are a victim of a crime in Rio de Janeiro, contact the local authorities immediately. The number to dial for police, fire or emergency medical assistance in Brazil is 911.
The nearest U.S. Embassy is located in Brazil’s capital city of Brasilia and can also be a resource to American Citizens. It is located at:
SES 801 – Avenida das Narcoes
Lote 3
70403-900 Brasilia
Contact information is listed below:
Phone: +(55) 61 3312-7000
Phone (24-hours/Emergency): +(55) 61 3312-7000
E-mail: BrasiliaACS@state.gov
Website: https://br.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/embassy/
Brasilia is located 725 miles to the Northwest of Rio de Janeiro.