Wheelchair Users’ Guide to Air Travel

Learn everything you need to know about traveling by air with a disability from one of the world's most traveled wheelchair users.
John seated in his wheelchair in front an airplane on the tarmac.

On this page

Before I took my first flight as a wheelchair user, I spent hours searching the internet for answers to all of my questions – with little success. One of the main reasons I started this blog was to put all of those answers online, so that they would be easy for others to find. As a disabled traveler who has now taken more than 1,000 flights with my power wheelchair, I have dealt with just about every problem you could imagine. Still, I have a passion for aviation and I keep flying to open air travel to people with disabilities.

I have arranged this air travel guide to follow the timeline or “ribbon” of travel. It provides answers to frequently asked questions and information about the air travel process for wheelchair users, from booking to baggage claim. Read through each of the sections, and you’ll be properly prepared to begin your wheelchair travel journey on an airplane.

Before Travel: Planning & Booking

Person sitting at a desk using the computer to book a flight.

How to Book Your Flight and Who To Contact for Wheelchair Assistance at Major Airlines (100+ listed)

What levels and types of wheelchair assistance are available at the airport and on the airplane? What are SSR codes?

Summary of Disabled Passengers’ Rights and the Air Carrier Access Act

European Union Rights for Passengers with Disabilities in Air Travel

Can I store my manual wheelchair in the airplane cabin?

Will my power wheelchair or scooter fit on the airplane? What are the dimensions of the cargo compartment?

At the Airport & Onboard the Airplane

John seated in a seat onboard the airplane.

Can I use my own wheelchair or scooter in the airport? Can I gate-check a wheelchair before boarding the airplane?

TSA Security Screenings for Travelers With Disabilities: How It Works

How to Reduce the Risk of an Airline Damaging Your Personal Wheelchair

How do wheelchair users board the airplane, and what is an aisle chair?

Do airplanes have accessible bathrooms? How do I use the airplane lavatory if I cannot walk?

Arrival & Baggage Claim

Baggage claim belts in an airport terminal.

Wheelchair Damaged? Lost Baggage? Follow These Steps to Seek Resolution.

Were Your ACAA Rights Violated? Hold Airlines Responsible – File A Report With the U.S. Department of Transportation

Must-Read Blog Posts

The following posts have appeared on my blog, and are related to air travel. The most relevant, general air travel information has been taken from these posts and included in the articles listed above. You’ll also find additional information not covered by the FAQ articles above.

For more blog posts and stories related to air travel with a wheelchair, click here.

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