There are multiple private transportation options in Munich for those who wish to travel while seated in their wheelchairs. Since I did not utilize any of the services (public transportation is exceptional in Munich), I cannot comment on wait times, price or service quality. I did see several of these taxis while there, and want to make the contact information available to you.
The following businesses and organizations provide wheelchair accessible taxi or transport service in Munich:
Bavarian Red Cross BRKMobil
+49 8151 2222
Not accessible to power wheelchairs
+49 (0) 89 450 540
www.isarfunk.de (German only)
Mini Bus Team
7 days a week, 7 a.m. to midnight
+49 (0) 89 399 399
If you have used these or any other accessible transportation companies in Munich, please share details of your experience in the comments below!