On The Road With Wheelchair Travel Reader Amin Lakhani

Follow along on an accessible journey to Chicago with Amin Lakhani, a Wheelchair Travel reader and all-around cool guy.
Wheelchair user Amin Lakhani takes a trip.

Last year, I had the pleasure of meeting Amin Lakhani at the Abilities Expo in Chicago. He attended one of my accessible travel workshops, and we’ve kept in touch ever since.

Amin is a spectacular guy, with a no-nonsense attitude toward everything in life. He’s fearless and shares many of his life experiences on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. He’s what many would call a dating guru and runs the website Dating Coach on Wheels, where he shares tips for single gents like me (and ladies too!).

Recently, Amin took a trip from Seattle to Chicago and recorded a couple vlogs documenting his journey. I thought the videos were great, and want to share them with you. They feature a bit of everything, from public transit rides, TSA pat downs, airplane flights, a family get-together and yes, even a puppy! Amin is a much more sociable guy than me (I am sort of a recluse), and his videos offer a unique perspective on travel that I hope you will enjoy.


He has a lot of other interesting videos on his YouTube channel and I encourage you to take a look!

If you’d like to follow along on Amin’s journey…

Watch Amin, get his advice, & date him 😉 https://dcow.link/t8hsb
Amin’s raw, practical dating advice: https://dcow.link/rk78k

If you have a trip or experience you’d like to share with Wheelchair Travel’s readers, head on over to the SHARE YOUR STORY page! I’d love to hear from you, and our community would as well!

Featured image courtesy Amin Lakhani/Instagram.

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