People with Disabilities Can Save For the Future with ABLEnow

ABLEnow accounts empower people with disabilities to achieve more independence, greater financial security and a better quality of life.
John reviewing the ABLEnow account on his computer.

ABLEnow asked me to share information on the program, as well as a chance for my readers to win a $500 ABLEnow account of their own, in this sponsored post.

Many people with disabilities receiving government support face income caps and other limitations on their ability to earn, save or acquire assets. Historically, they have faced a difficult choice: either save for the future or qualify for federal disability benefits. That changed under the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, which was signed into law in 2014.

The ABLE Act offers eligible individuals the chance to save and invest in a simple, affordable and tax- advantaged ABLEnow account without jeopardizing their eligibility for certain benefits that are critical to their health and well-being, such as Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Here’s a quick video introduction to the possibilities offered by ABLEnow:

Each year, ABLEnow account holders, their family members and friends can deposit up to $15,000 into an individual’s ABLE account. Money that is saved or invested through an ABLEnow account can grow free from federal taxes, and the money can be withdrawn to pay for a range of disability expenses related to maintaining the health, independence and quality of life for the person with a disability.

ABLEnow accounts empower people with disabilities to achieve more independence, greater financial security and a better quality of life.

Who’s Eligible?

Individuals who developed the onset of their disability before the age of 26 may be eligible to open an ABLEnow account. ABLEnow accounts are available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. ABLEnow offers a free eligibility quiz at to determine if an account is right for you.

If you do not receive federal disability benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you may still qualify for an ABLEnow account on the basis of your disability.

John pictured at home wearing an ABLEnow t-shirt.

How can ABLEnow savings be used?

In order to count an expense as a “qualifying disability expense,” the ABLE Act states that it must be oriented toward maintaining the health, independence and quality of life of the person with a disability. This extends significant leeway to ABLEnow accountholders to direct their own finances and make decisions about spending that improve one’s life experience.

In addition to paying for medical supplies, equipment and services, people have used their ABLEnow accounts to save for items that increase comfort and convenience. You can even use your ABLEnow account to save for your next wheelchair accessible wellness retreat or holiday, which would be considered a quality of life expense. Is a trip to see me speak about accessible travel at a future Abilities Expo in your plans? If not, it should be!

For more information on what constitutes a qualifying expense, visit

Sign-up for an ABLEnow account

ABLEnow accounts give individuals a greater sense of financial independence and a reliable tool to build the best life possible. Visit to learn more and open an account.

And, for a limited time, readers who visit can sign-up for a chance to win $500 toward your ABLEnow account!

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