Review: Wheelchair Accessible SlotZilla Zoomline in Las Vegas

Since I became a wheelchair user, I haven’t done much in the way of “extreme” activities or sports.…
Wheelchair accessible SlotZilla Zipline in Las Vegas

Since I became a wheelchair user, I haven’t done much in the way of “extreme” activities or sports. When I saw a YouTube video of SlotZilla at Fremont Street Experience, I knew I had to try it out and hoped it was wheelchair accessible! Last week, I finally had that opportunity and it was an absolute thrill. Before I share my experience, take a look at the video that inspired me:

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The Zoomline is an exhilarating zip line that allows the rider to fly like Superman (face down) over Fremont Street, launching from a height of 114 feet (more than 10 stories) and traveling almost 1/3 of a mile (1,700 feet)! There is also a more typical zipline where riders take off in a seated position. I chose the Zoomline because it looked more comfortable and more “extreme.”

You can purchase tickets and check-in for the ride at the SlotZilla ticket office, located on Fremont Street at the base of the SlotZilla tower. You’ll need to transfer into a SlotZilla wheelchair at the ticket office, and a team member will take you up to the launch platform. I was hanging out in Vegas with my friends Mara and Mark, and Mark offered to sit out, snap photos and push my wheelchair to the arrivals platform.

PHOTO DESCRIPTION: John pictured in the SlotZilla wheelchair wearing a safety and attachment harness.

Once we made it to the launch platform, the team helped me don the harness that would allow me to safely fly like superman. The harness is best described as a backwards vest, with holes for the legs as well. We put my legs through first, then my arms and head. This was not a difficult process, and did not require a lot of movement on my part.

The harness also has two straps for the legs, which they affixed for me once I was attached to the line.

PHOTO DESCRIPTION: A hydraulic mat lifts the passenger up to the zip line, then lowers so that they are suspended.

The Zoomline’s loading area consists of a hydraulic and padded mat/lift that passengers must lie face-down on. At its lowest position, the mat surface was even with the seat of the wheelchair, and I was able to make a smooth transfer to the mat. Once I had settled myself on my stomach, the mat lifted up and a staff member connected my harness to the zip line.

PHOTO DESCRIPTION: John Morris hanging from the zip line on the ZlotZilla Zoomline.

Once the harness was attached, the mat was lowered back down and I was left hanging in the air! My journey on the SotZilla Zoomline was about to begin!

I am not on my stomach often, so having my weight shifted to that part of my body was a different feeling. It was not painful. It was a relief to be out of a wheelchair and seeing my surroundings (and Las Vegas) from a new and unique perspective!

PHOTO DESCRIPTION: John launching from 114 feet up, as seen from street level.

After a couple minutes of hanging in the launch area, the metal door folded down and I was released out over the street. The photo above shows my launch. My friend Mark, on the street down below, noticed a few people pointing in amazement at the amputee flying through the sky. I love to break barriers, and am grateful to SlotZilla and the Fremont Street Experience for giving me another opportunity to do that.

I zoomed down the line for about a minute. It was great to have the wind in my face, and to look down on the street below. Fremont Street is a nonstop party, with food, drinks and casinos lining the covered pedestrian zone.

PHOTO DESCRIPTION: John Morris laying on the SlotZilla Zoom Line hydraulic mat.

Once I reached the landing platform, another hydraulic mat lifted up to meet me, and my harness was disconnected. The experience was so thrilling, it exhausted me and I thought about taking a nap right there!

I made it through the experience with all of my fingers and toes (you know what I mean!), and had a truly amazing time on the SlotZilla Zoomline. I was impressed with the attraction’s wheelchair accessibility, and the staff was helpful to me every step of the way. They were friendly and talkative, and ensured both my safety and comfort.

PHOTO DESCRIPTION: John at the end of SlotZilla, looking out over Fremont Street.

You’ll need to make a personal decision about whether your physical ability will allow you to participate in this attraction. I would not recommend the Zoomline for people who have trouble controlling their head or neck. On approach into the landing platform, there is an abrupt stop and fairly rough “jolt” that riders will experience. The leg straps may also be tight or uncomfortable, so I would wear pants if I were to ride on the Zoomline again.

For more information, check out or read the SlotZilla FAQ. Tickets are $25 for the lower zip line and $45 for the zoom line, with a discount of $5 if flying before 6:00 p.m.

Disclosure: I received two complimentary tickets to the SlotZilla Zoomline in exchange for sharing my experience on the blog. The opinions expressed in this post are mine alone and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by SlotZilla or the Fremont Street Experience.

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