11 Years and 11 Days Before Now

Some people ascribe special meaning to these days, referring to them as “life days,” but I often have to be reminded of the date everything changed.
John wearing an FSU hat and jacket inside the Rose Bowl stadium in California.

As I begin to write this, it’s the bottom of the second inning here in St. Louis on the last day of the baseball season. I’ve just missed a lead off double hit by our outfielder, Richie Palacios. The Cardinals won’t be going to the postseason this year, after what has been the club’s worst campaign since 1995, but I digress — that’s not what I’m here to write about.

Earlier today, a guy named Chris approached me in downtown St. Louis. I was momentarily stopped on the sidewalk, typing out an email on my smartphone, when he said hello. I didn’t have anywhere to be, exactly, but had been meandering in the direction of my hotel. I refuse to ignore a hello, but I may not always be able to engage fully — on this day, I could, so I chose to do so.

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