I’ve been using a wheelchair for nearly four years now, yet I am still learning new things about the disability community, my condition and abilities every day. The Abilities Expo is an event, held each year in numerous cities around the country, that “opens your eyes to new technologies, new possibilities, new solutions and new opportunities to change your life.”
When I think of the Abilities Expo, I see it as the foremost trade show for people with disabilities. Our favorite medical equipment companies are on hand, showing off their latest products and technologies that make life with disability easier and more enjoyable.

On Friday, September 16, the 2016 Abilities Expo will kick-off in Boston, Massachusetts. I’ll be there, and I’m giving an hour-long workshop on wheelchair accessible travel!
The workshop, titled “Wheelchair Accessible Travel: Tips for Completing Your Bucket List” will be filled with knowledge and insights gained from my own extensive travels. Since I became a wheelchair user, I have taken more than 400 flights, visited more than 20 countries and built the most detailed wheelchair travel guides on the internet. I’ve also made a lot of progress towards completing my own bucket list.
To make sure the workshop offers value to everyone, I’ll start with the basics of booking flights and hotels, traveling by air with a wheelchair and using public transportation. I’ll then move to discussing some of the incredible things you can see and do – some that may surprise you!
I’d be honored if you would join me on Friday at 2:30 p.m. in Hall C of the Boston Convention & Exposition Center. As always, my goal at this event will be to OPEN YOUR WORLD.
For more information on the Abilities Expo, visit www.abilities.com.
See you on Friday!