Wheelchair accessible, ADA compliant taxi vans with side or rear entry wheelchair ramps are available within the Chicago metropolitan area and are charged at the same meter rates as a normal taxi. Wheelchair taxis can be ordered on demand within the city and at both area airports, with wait times of less than 15 minutes on average.
Each adapted taxi offers a ramp, wheelchair space, securement straps and seatbelt. Drivers are expected to assist wheelchair users in and out of these specialty taxis.
Open Doors Organization was contracted by the city to operate a centralized, 24-hour wheelchair taxi dispatch. Since more than 20 licensed taxi companies operate accessible cabs, bookings should be made through the following centralized system:
Open Taxis
(855) 928-1010 or (773) 657-3006
City approved taxi meter rates can be found below:
Flag Drop — $3.25
Each additional mile — $1.80
Elapsed time (per 36 seconds) — $0.20
First additional passenger — $1.00
Each additional passenger — $0.50
Airport fee — $2.00
Passengers are responsible for all tolls. There is no additional fee for baggage or trunk usage. There is no surcharge or convenience fee for paying by credit card.
UBER: The UberWAV wheelchair accessible taxi service operates in Chicago. Despite numerous attempts to request one of these taxis in Chicago, I have never had a call answered. Before using Uber in Chicago, please read my article, Wheelchair Accessible Uber: The Dirty Truth.