Fort Wayne Wheelchair Taxis

There are currently no licensed wheelchair taxis in Fort Wayne, however alternate accessible transportation services are available.
Minivan with rear entry wheelchair ramp.

As is the case in many cities of its size, Fort Wayne lacks wheelchair accessible taxi service. Similarly, rideshare services like Uber and Lyft do not provide accessible services in Fort Wayne or anywhere within the State of Indiana.

Private, wheelchair accessible transportation services are limited to non-emergency medical transportation services which serve the Fort Wayne community.

Non-emergency medical transportation in Fort Wayne

The following non-emergency medical transportation providers serve the City of Fort Wayne, and provide vehicles with wheelchair securement spaces and a wheelchair ramp or lift:

Community Transportation Network (CTN)
+1 (260) 420-3280

Star Mobility Transportation, LLC
+1 (260) 445-0754

The cost of non-emergency medical transportation is significantly higher than a standard taxi or rideshare vehicle so, if you are able to transfer into the seat of a vehicle and store your wheelchair or scooter in the taxi, you will save a lot of money by doing so.

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