Join Me at the 2020 Reeve Summit

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation will host its first ever Reeve Summit in February 2020.
Reeve Summit 2020

The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation has announced its first ever Reeve Summit 2020: Where Care, Cure and Community Connect, set to take place from February 26-28, 2020, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Washington, D.C.

The three-day event is described as one that “will bring together hundreds of community members, caregivers, health professionals, key thought leaders and individuals who have had an extraordinary impact on the lives of people with paralysis and related disabilities to foster collaboration, independence, health promotion and innovation.”

Attendees will hear from a number of highly respected speakers, including:

  • Senator Tom Harkin (Ret.), founder of The Harkin Institute, and former United States Senator from Iowa, who will provide keynote remarks on the upcoming 30th anniversary of the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Robin Roberts, anchor for Good Morning America and an advocate of people with disabilities, who will provide the keynote address Friday morning.
  • Will Reeve, son of Christopher and Dana Reeve, trustee of the Board of Directors and multi-platform reporter at ABC News.

The program is packed full of informative discussions and educational presentations on topics including caregiving, employment, health & wellness and advocacy.

I have been invited to speak on a panel about accessible travel, and look forward to sharing my insights with the community.

To learn more about the event, review the agenda or register to attend, visit the Reeve Summit 2020 website. I am excited for the disability/paralysis community to gather and hope to see you in our nation’s capital.

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