New Media Partnership: Disability Visibility Project

The disability community is often cast aside by travel providers because we are invisible. Our new media partner, the Disability Visibility Project (DVP), seeks to change that.
New Media Partnership: Disability Visibility Project

The disability community is often cast aside by travel providers because we are invisible. Our new media partner, the Disability Visibility Project (DVP), seeks to change that.

Disability Visibility Project

, a community partnership with StoryCorps, is looking for people with disabilities to record their oral histories to mark the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

As a media partner of the DVP, Portlight Strategies, Inc. invites you to share your travel experiences. There are no rules as long as the conversation is centered on the lived experience of disability. Some sample questions:

  • What are your stories about travel as a person with a disability?
  • What do you love/hate about travelling?
  • Where have you been? Where do you want to go?
  • What is your advice on travel for people with disabilities?

Two ways to participate:

StoryCorps app

StoryCorps in San Francisco, Atlanta, Chicago or Mobile Tour

**The DVP ends December 31, 2015 so there’s still time!**

For any questions or comments, e-mail Alice Wong, Project Coordinator:

or Twitter:


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