Wheelchair accessible, ADA compliant taxi vans with rear entry wheelchair ramps are available within the Washington metropolitan area and are charged at the same meter rates as a normal taxi. Wheelchair taxis can be ordered on demand within the city and at all three area airports, but wait times can be up to 45 minutes.
Although Uber advertises a wheelchair accessible taxi service in Washington, D.C., it’s really just a smokescreen. You’re better off ordering a taxi directly from one of the companies listed below.
District of Columbia Wheelchair Taxis
The following companies are authorized to make pick-ups within the District of Columbia:
Royal Taxi
(202) 398-0500
Yellow Taxi
(202) 544-1213
Rates for pick-ups within the District of Columbia (this does not include Reagan National Airport — DCA — which is in Arlington, Virginia) are below:
Flag Drop & first 1/8 mile — $3.25
Each additional 1/8 mile — $0.27
Waiting time (per hour) — $25.00
Passenger surcharge — $0.25
Each additional passenger — $1.00
Telephone dispatch charge — $2.00
Arlington, VA Taxis (Including DCA & IAD)
The contact and meter/fare rate information for the wheelchair accessible taxi company in Arlington, Virginia is below:
Red Top Cab of Arlington
(703) 522-3333
Taxi rates for pick-ups within Arlington, Virginia and at both Reagan National Airport (DCA) and Washington-Dulles International Airport (IAD) are as follows:
Flag Drop & first 1/6 mile — $2.75
Each additional 1/6 mile — $0.35
Waiting time (per 56 seconds) — $0.35
Each additional passenger — $1.00
For more information about accessible taxi cabs and fares in Baltimore, Maryland and at Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI), consult our Baltimore, MD Destination Report.