Wheelchair Travel Newsletter Welcome to the New Wheelchair Travel Newsletter An important update about the Wheelchair Travel website and newsletter, and details about your subscription. 2 min read
Wheelchair Travel Newsletter Wheelchair Travel Newsletter: The Butterfly Migration and Overheard in Charlotte Accessible travel highlights from the Florida Museum, and a conversation that could mark a big change for disabled airline passengers. 5 min read
Wheelchair Travel Newsletter Wheelchair Travel Newsletter: Air Travel Rules, Holiday Travel and Lemurs Greetings from Florida this holiday season, and thoughts on the DOT's newly released final rule for accessible air travel. 6 min read
Wheelchair Travel Newsletter Wheelchair Travel Newsletter: Bedridden, Accessible Travel Summit and a Historic Fine Although an illness has forced a last-minute holiday trip cancellation, I still have a lot to say about accessible travel. 6 min read
Wheelchair Travel Newsletter Red Rocks, Commuting and One Last Passport Stamp Acoustics in a Mile High music venue, plus the cost of a hotel's location and an accessible air travel summit. 6 min read
Personal Stories The Olympic Village, Medical Tourism and a Perfect Flight My most wheelchair-friendly flight experience in Europe, and not wanting to be left out of Olympians’ trial of medical tourism. 6 min read
Wheelchair Travel Newsletter Wheelchair Travel Newsletter: Jet Lag, Olympic Gold, and Broadening Accessibility An accessible travel update from Paris, France, and reflections from a busy Olympic journey. 5 min read
Wheelchair Travel Newsletter Wheelchair Travel Newsletter: Journey to France, the Olympic Games, and Lipstick on a Pig Accessible travel update from the Olympic Games in France, plus a time and location for the Wheelchair Travel Meet-up in Paris. 6 min read
Wheelchair Travel Newsletter Wheelchair Travel Newsletter: Music City, Lyft Trial Concludes and a Hotel Closure Arguments concluded in the class action lawsuit vs. Lyft, plus the world's (formerly) largest hotel has closed its doors after a magnificent run. 8 min read